Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 8 - Chemo In a Bag

Day 8 :

We are at day 8 with chemo treatment cycle one.  This meant a trip back to the clinic where Kagan was given another round of two of the chemotherapy drugs for his regiment/protocol.   He did really well and therefore no hospital stay required!

He is doing really well on the chemo drugs.  He calls them his "Kool-aid" or his "Poison".   His sense of humor is so off the charts with this dry humor that he inherited from his Daddy.  When he referred to it today as his "kool-aid" the doctor laughed and said he knew the hospital was trying to cut back on expenses but he was hoping not as far back as to pass off kool-aid as his chemo drugs.

When you get the chemo it comes in a special bag with all kids of red toxic stickers on it.  If you look closely you will notice all the warning signs about the toxic nature in that ominous bag.  Yet, you know it is the means to which the miracle will come.  The toxic substance will kill and destroy the enemy inside.   Sometimes even that which does not appear to be good is the absolute needed element to the cure we need.


We did get some lab results back that showed his white blood cells counts were still a little high.  They are going to change up some of his protocol and check his labs again on Friday.  They are hoping that this will prove to show in more detail exactly what is happening.  Nothing to be over alarmed about but something that needs checking on to see what is next.

It has now been 14 days since Kagan received his diagnosis.   With as much as we have learned, experienced and been exposed to this seems more like a years worth of time.   Yet on the other hand everything is still sinking in at each visit like we just learned about it yesterday.

So very thankful for the wonderful parents (my Mama & Daddy and Kaleb's mom) for their emotional support and love.  We also have such a wonderful network of loving friends and family that have been here to help our family.  I will get around to thanking everyone from our family, our friends and church family one day because they will never know how much their prayers and encouragement have meant to us.   For now, I will just say thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and concern.


  1. Praying and praying and praying some more. Thank you so much for the updates. It helps us feel connected to the process and how he's doing.

  2. It is my way of updating everyone at once and keeping my sanity. It is a way to share within my own limits and that of Kagan's.

  3. I'm glad to hear that he's doing well with the chemo. (:
