Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Daily Drugs....

Doesn't everyone keep a bio-hazards sharp's jar in their kitchen?  

When Kagan is not doing chemo he is constantly taking other drugs, steroids and etc. to keep him healthy.  Most of the drugs are designed to help boost his immune system so that he does not come down with anything else.

He then has to deal with me flushing his PICC line, giving him shots and all that other jazz.   It is just  a part of the daily routine that has become our life.

Out of all the drugs, the biggest pain for Kagan is the stuff in the little bottle.  This is given to him via shot in the arm.  At the hospital in came already in the syringe but at home we have to fill it from this tiny bottle before administering the shot.

From what Kagan described, this shot is quite like that big booster shot that you get when you are younger.  You feel it going in as it is a very thick liquid.  It moves and he feels it going it as we slowly insert into his upper arm.  

This drug is also the cause of the pain in his bones.  It is described as the feeling of growing pains on crack by some.  This drug causes the white blood cells to rapidly produce new cells increasing the amount of the counts in the body.  The body just reacts with a pain for most patients, especially young ones.  I picture an army breeding newbies (Yes, this is a Twilight reference) and they are hungry to fight the infection.   (I know, my brain's output sounds like I have been hitting some of these drugs too.)

We head back for more chemo tomorrow.  I am really hoping that my favorite doctor is the one on call tomorrow in the clinic.  We rotate between three different doctors in the group and I favor two of them more the other.  I just get more of a feel of care when I am confident in the next step!

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