Saturday, July 7, 2012

Kenadee's Home!

Kenadee had a really good time at Lake Aurora.  She did tell me that I am never again to send her to Hillside again and that from now on it's Lakeside cabins for her.  So funny how much the kids seem to love those 50 plus year cabins over the cabins that have been built in the last few years.  I think they just feel more like "camp"!

My sweet girl did come home with this little raspy voice and complaining of her throat hurting.  So, after a call to the doctors involved, we had to get her to the After Hours pediatrician to get her checked out because Kagan's counts are going down each day before his next chemo treatment.

Let me just say that this was NOT a fun experience.  Whether it was because Kenadee was so tired from camp or not feeling well she did not do well with the whole strep throat swabbing of the throat.   After I told her that she had to get it done because Kagan had to know I felt a little bad.  I mean, it was to make sure she was okay but at the same time it was to make sure Kagan was okay.   The nurses (yep a few of them) had to do a little extra TLC with her to even get the test done.  Let's hope we never have to do that again.

I did not want to compare to her to Kagan.  I mean he has all kinds of things going on and is taking them as such a champ.  But there was my little girl crying and so sad that my heart melted (and my patience - :-). 

This morning she and I were talking and it was just a big reminder of how different all three of my kiddos are.  I don't want any of them to live in the other child's shadow or have to do things just because the other did it this way or that way.  I want to personalize my love for them, my care for them, my expectations of them each individually.  It is just sometimes hard.

Today Kenadee has felt a little better in her throat.  I think camp just about did her in and she really needed some rest.   Brownie (our cockers paniel) was happy to get to just cuddle up with her as she napped this afternoon.  (Her little mask is just as cute as can be!)

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